Posted at 06:00h
Oh my god have I had Covid. I don't do anything, it seems, by halves. And I have really truly honestly wow had Covid. In fact, I am still sick, groping my way through the fog of post Covid lassitude, total lack of energy, and for lack of a better name to call it, brain-fog-woo-woo. Finally, I did test negative, but I feel as though I'm walking underwater, and certainly thinking underwater, which means not thinking clearly, or much at all.
Granted, there's the Parkinson's, plus I was a moronic smoker for years so have a (fortunately mild) case of COPD. Still, I have never experienced anything quite like this, except perhaps coming out of anesthesia after surgery-—but then that didn't last as long as this is lasting--which is horridly daaaaaaaaays on end, niiiiiiights on end...