April 2018

Historic Parliament Square in London pays homage to 11 male statues—mostly white, middle-aged, male aristocrats—but now, after nearly 200 years, the first female figure stands among them.

What's the opposite of "above reproach"? "Below reproach?" If so, then the prestigious Swedish Academy, which oversees the Nobel Prizes, finds itself way below reproach: convulsed in scandal. Eighteen women have accused Jean-Claude Arnault, a French-Swedish photographer and cultural figure with close ties to the Academy, of sexual assault.

“We are looking into a broader pattern or strategy to buy the silence of the women." That’s the phrase law-enforcement officials used to define the reason they were seeking court approval for the FBI raid on three New York premises of Michael Cohen, Trump’s secret-keeping fixer.

Winnie Mandikizela-Mandela died on Monday, April 2, at age 81. She was a leader in South Africa's fight against apartheid, named "Mother of the Nation" by the people of the Townships—the poorest, those who suffered most.